

How gendered lived experiences shape sex preference attitudes in contemporary urban China


Isn't that What Friends Are For? Maybe Not: New Study


New sociological research looks into how and why people sometimes avoid strong ties when facing personal issues. Authors find avoidance is not rare. It is neither limited to specific intimates, nor limited to specific topics. Isolation might be less a matter of having no intimates than of having repeatedly to avoid them.

Americans opting for 'sleep divorce' to accommodate a bed partner


Newswise imageA new survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine shows that 29% of Americans have slept in a different bed or space from their partner to get a better night's rest.

Marital separation, reconciliation, and repartnering in later life


How does witnessing coworker ostracism differentially elicit victim-directed help and enacted ostracism: The mediating roles of compassion and schadenfreude, moderated by dispositional envy


Can high performers take charge? The effects of role breadth self-efficacy and hostile interpersonal environment


Using experiments to study families and intimate relationships


Family and religion in flux: Relationship complexity, type of religiosity, and race/ethnicity


Adolescents' experiences with ambiguity in postdivorce stepfamilies


Marital status and happiness during the COVID-19 pandemic


Extending theoretical explanations for gendered divisions of care during the COVID-19 pandemic


Coparenting profiles and children's socioemotional outcomes in unmarried parents with low-income


Adult sibling relationships: The impact of cohabitation, marriage, separation, and childbearing


Cohabiting couple's economic organization and marriage patterns across social classes


Stepfamily variation in parent-child relationship quality in later life


"The panic stays in your mind...concentrating more on the worries than the relationship": Intimate partnerships during COVID-19 for immigrant women in New York City


UTSW Research: Female sex hormones, adrenal hyperplasia, and more


Studies investigate monthly cycle fluctuations, trial results reducing excess androgens, transcranial magnetic stimulation to treat depression, and liver regeneration

Herpes Infections Take Major Economic Toll Globally, New Research Shows


Newswise imageThe first-ever global estimate of the economic costs of genital herpes infections shows billions of dollars of health care expenditures and productivity losses.

Rutgers Researchers Examine How Fungal Toxins Impact Hormones in Pregnancy


Estrogen-mimicking fungal metabolites in widely found foods consumed by pregnant people (and everyone else).

Do Institutions Support Partner Hiring? A New Tool Ranks Universities


Newswise imageTo raise awareness and assist couples with job searches, UNC-Chapel Hill researchers launched an evidence-based tool showing how research-intensive institutions rank in partner hiring - providing insights on where they may be excelling and where they may be deficient. Jill Fisher, PhD, professor of social medicine at the UNC School of Medicine, co-led the project.